


Without Payment

English speaking guide

Real photos from excursions

Transfer from the hotel

Insurance acts

Personal manager


55 €

(5 to 11 years old)

30 €

04:00 - 21:00


The trip individually allows tourists to visit world-famous sights without rushing and waiting for the group. An individual English-speaking guide and a comfortable car or mini-bus are provided

- 2 people (car) = 250 €
- 3 people (Mini Van ) = 310 €
- 4 people (mini-bus) = 360 €


Pick up time from the hotel around 04:00 ( exact time will be informed a day before excursion).

Visit the Karnak temple (scarab beetle, sacred lake. Hypostyle hall, allay of sphinx)

Crossing the Nile by boat.

Visiting Banana island ( optional +10$).

Lunch (buffet).

Visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

Visit to the Valley of the queens.

Visit the Colossi of Memnon.

It is possible to visit the alabaster and oil factory.

About the trip

A confidential excursion permits vacationers to visit widely popular attractions without the issue of hanging tight for a gathering. A singular English talking guide and an agreeable vehicle are given. Bunch Visit here. Luxor and around the city are home to a portion of Egypt's most significant archeological locales. Because of the significance and wealth of old Egyptian engineering, the travel industry assumes a significant part in the city, which is visited by a huge number of sightseers a year.

Included in the price:

Entrance tickets according to the program.

Transfer from/to your hotel.

Crossing the Nile by boat.

Lunch (buffet).

Professional historical guide.

For an additional fee:

Drinks during lunch.

Visit to Banana Island (optional +$10).

Additional information:

Sahl Hasheesh,Makadi,Soma Bay and Safaga extra charge +5$.
El Gouna extra charge +10$.
Transfer by comfortable bus with two drivers, security, air conditioning and toilet.
During a visit to Banana Island, tourists who do not order this trip from the guide will wait on the bus while it moves from one shore to another.

Take with you:

Passport photo on the phone.


Breakfast box (you can book at the Reception one day before the excursion).

Warm clothes (in winter time).

A tourist pillow.

Comfortable shoes.

Headdress (hat).


money for personal expenses.


55 €

(5 to 11 years old)

30 €

04:00 - 21:00

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